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Attendees enjoying a Strengthify Discovery Workshop

Discovery Workshops

Our workshops are designed to engage and inspire you and help you harness strengths more actively and consciously.

What to expect?

  • Self-Discovery: Engage in self-assessment activities to uncover and articulate your individual strengths, gaining deeper insights into your unique capabilities.
  • Appreciating Colleague Strengths: Participate in interactive exercises and group discussions to recognise and appreciate the diverse strengths of your colleagues, fostering an inclusive and collaborative team culture.
  • Application in the Workplace: Learn practical strategies to apply your strengths to daily tasks, enhancing personal effectiveness and positively contributing to your work environment.
  • Team Collaboration: Strengthen team relationships through open dialogue about individual strengths, promoting mutual support and understanding.
  • Personalised Action Plans: Craft a personalised strengths action plan to guide ongoing development and integrate strengths-based approaches into your professional life.
Attendees interacting at various Discover Workshops

Why should I attend?

Interested in finding out more about a strengths-based approach to personal development and professional growth. Want to challenge the traditional deficit model to professional development? Want to unlock your full potential and unleash your strength in the workplace? Then this is the workshop for you.

Who is it for?

Our Strengths Discovery Workshop is for anyone interested in taking a strengths-based approach further for themselves but also their team, department and organisation.

What pre-work is required?

Before the session, you will need to complete your strengths profile to use within the workshop. Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a copy of your report. We will also provide a hard copy of your report for you to use within the workshop.

What will I gain?

The workshop is a dynamic and engaging session designed to help you uncover, appreciate, and apply your unique strengths in the workplace. Through a combination of self-assessment tools, interactive activities, and group discussions, you will embark on a process of self-discovery and team collaboration.

The workshop not only focuses on individual strengths but also cultivates a culture of mutual appreciation, where you learn to recognise, celebrate, and utilise the strengths of colleagues and peers to achieve the greatest performance. Practical exercises will guide you in exploring strategies to effectively apply your strengths to enhance personal performance and contribute positively to team dynamics. During the workshop, you will also explore your blindspots and performance limiters, learning to manage these to maximise your performance.

By the end of the workshop, you will leave with a heightened awareness of your strengths, a deeper appreciation for the strengths of others, and actionable insights to leverage these strengths for professional growth.

What attendees have said about the Discovery Workshop

Fabulously enlightening and confidence boosting!
Insightful, inspiring and inclusive.
I think it is rare you have this kind of opportunity for self-reflection in such an affirming way.
A thought-provoking experience that brought to the surface newly discovered capabilities.
I'll try to use my top strengths to better handle the team and keep an eye on their blind spots.
Has given me the confidence to maximise my strengths.
Learning through discussion about how other people's brains work.
To gain insight into how adopting a strengths-based approach in the future could support better productivity and more fulfillment across our team.

What next?

Using a mix of theories and evidence, experiential learning and practical tools, the Strengthify Management Development Programme enables managers to enhance their personal effectiveness and unlock the full potential of their workforce to thrive.

  • Apply Your Learning: Use your newfound strengths and a strengths-based approach in your role and daily life.
  • Share and Spread: Encourage your colleagues and peers to embrace this approach for growth and positive change.
  • Join Our Management Development Programme: Elevate your approach by joining our programme. Strengths-based management empowers teams to excel and align their work with their talents, fostering engagement, fulfillment, and productivity. This programme combines theories, experiential learning, and practical tools to enhance managerial effectiveness and unlock team potential.
Attendees interacting at various Discover Workshops

Would you like to attend one of our free Discovery Workshops?


The first step of the journey is to reach out

If you’re inspired by the idea of understanding and harnessing individuals’ personal strengths, we’d love to discuss how Strengthify can help your organisation.

Please use the form to get in touch, and we’ll arrange a time for that first, no-commitment conversation.